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Brigade Baseball Club – Team Scout Day

Leominster , Massachusetts


  • Age groups:
    3 Divisions Positional Player Only Pitcher/Positional Player Combined Pitcher Only
  • Date :
    Saturday, June 14th
  • Price:
    Positional Player Only - $200Pitcher/Positional Player Combined - $225Pitcher Only - $175

The Brigade Baseball Club will be hosting a Team Scout Day on June 14, 2025 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm at McLaughlin Park (Upper Field) located in Leominster, MA. This special event will be powered by Firecracker Sports and its organizers in conjunction with the many college coaches in the area who will be in attendance.

This showcase gives exclusive access to players within the Brigade Baseball Club, and players invited by them the opportunity to showcase for college scouts who will be in attendance. Younger players will be able to gain valuable experience in showcasing for scouts while gathering a player evaluation from them and full metrics from the day. Each player must be at least the age of 13 and have the ability and experience of playing on the big diamond (60-90) by the time and date of this event to participate.

All players receive:

  • Performance T-Shirt, picture and recognition on our online scouting database with full event metrics and college coach evaluations to be distributed to our college coaching database across the country.
  • Dynamic workout, throwing session, Individual Skills and Drills, POP times for catchers, throwing velocities, advanced metrics through Trackman, 60 yd dash times, on field batting practice and bullpens for pitchers and catchers.
  • Players and parents also take part in a small group recruiting seminar during the event.
  • This event and its players will be promoted on Firecracker Sports social media platforms and to our 35K+ followers (this includes hundreds of college and pro scouts) during the event. The statistical data received from players at this event will be further promoted on our website and through our player profile platform https://firecrackersports.com/players-database and again through our social media.
  • To find out more about this event, you can contact operations@firecrackersports.com
  • To find out more about the Brigade Baseball Club or to request an invite to this event you can contact Alex Winkelmann at Alex.Winkelmann@edwardjones.com


    • Positional Player Only
    • Pitcher/Positional Player Combined
    • Pitcher Only
    • 1:00 PM Session
    • 1:00 PM Session
    • 1:00 PM Session
    0 Players Registered
    COST: $175 - $225

College Coaches Attending



McLaughlin Field - Upper Field

992 Lancaster street

Leominster massachusetts ,USA

Get Directions
  • Upper Field
    • Lights
    • Grass
    • Portable Bathrooms






There is no rules.


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