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2025 College Showcase Softball Camp – Medfield

Medfield , Massachusetts


  • Age groups:
    3 Divisions Pitcher Only Positional Player Only Pitcher/Positional Player Combined
  • Date :
    Saturday, January 18th
  • Price:
    Pitcher Only - $160Positional Player Only - $185Pitcher/Positional Player Combined - $199

Firecracker Softball will be hosting a College Showcase Camp at Sluggers Academy to jump start your recruiting process for the 2025 season from 2-6PM on January 18th. This camp is available to all prospective softball players, regardless of whether you are participating in the local program or not.

All players will receive a pro style workout, a showcase performance t-shirt and a statistical data driven evaluation performed by college and professional coaches. These evaluations will be made available online and distributed to our college scouting and contact database. We hire college and pro coaches to be on the field instructing but also providing evaluations on each player so we guarantee 15+ coaches at our events. All subsequent stories and highlights written about a player will be linked to the player’s social media profile along with the Firecracker Softball’s website and social media platforms, ultimately creating a one-stop shop for a college recruiter.

Who: 2026-2028 Graduates. All JUCO, 2025 and 2029 Graduates please inquire first!

What to Wear: Black or white softball pants, your travel team hat and turfs. (A number on their t-shirt will identify players). Catchers are to provide their own gear.

Reporting Time: Please report at 1:45PM to check in at Sluggers Academy in Medfield, MA. (Check venue tab for GPS mapping)

Cost to Player:  All participants have a registration fee based on their position. $160.00 for pitchers only, $185.00 for positional players only and $199.00 for combination players (pitcher and positional player) evaluations. We have sold out most of our showcase camps over our 18 years of runnings events with over 5000+ players attending.

Is there a list of schools committed for this event?

That’s a great question! Yes please check out the “College Coaches” section under the registration selection.

What is your refund/weather cancellation policy?

Unfortunately weather or “Act of God” issues can be a factor in running quality softball events. Please see our policies below.

  • Snow/Bad Weather: Alternative sites are always an option. If not, full credit towards a future 2025/2026 event.
  • Injury (with proper medical documentation): Full credit towards a future 2025/2026 event.
  • No-show and/or no communication about absence = No Refund


    • Pitcher Only
    • Positional Player Only
    • Pitcher/Positional Player Combined
    • OPEN
    • OPEN
    • OPEN
    53 Players Registered
    COST: $160 - $199

College Coaches Attending

  1. College of the Holy Cross
  2. Tufts University
  3. Suffolk University
  4. Bates College
  5. Nichols College
  6. Rhode Island College
  7. University of Massachusetts - Boston
  8. Emmanuel College
  9. Framingham State University
  10. Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  11. Westfield State University
  12. AIC



Sluggers Academy

120 N Meadows Rd

Medfield massachusetts ,USA

Get Directions
  • Indoor Facility
    • Turf
    • Permanent Bathrooms

Parking is in front of the building or behind the building near the Sluggers Academy entrances





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