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2025 Home Run Derby

Warwick , Rhode Island


  • Age groups:
    1 Divisions 11/12U
  • Date :
    Friday, May 23rd
  • Price:
    11/12U - $0.00

Players from the youth teams (ages 11U - 12U) registered in the Memorial Day Patriotic Bash Tournament are eligible to participate in Firecracker Sports 3rd Annual Home Run Derby. This competition will begin at 5:30 pm on Friday, May 23, 2025 at the Warwick Continental Little League Complex in Warwick, RI. Players, along with their respected coach or any BP pitcher, are required to be at the field no later than 5:00pm for registration and draft order. Parents must register their players on our website no later than May 16th, 2025!!!

  • The designated coach or BP pitcher from each team will pitch to their player/s and each team should have a player in full catcher’s gear ready when their team is up.
  • Each player will have one minute and thirty seconds to accumulate as many points as possible. There will be NO TIMEOUTS!.
  • When the ball hits the ground or is caught or clears a coned off section or clears the fence, the pitcher may throw the next pitch.
  • Home Run Derby scoring will be as follows (Ball MUST BE HIT FAIR):
    • Home run over the fence - 3 POINTS
    • A ball that lands on the warning track or hits the outfield wall in the air - 1 POINT
    • Once the hitter’s 90 second round expires, each player will have 1 more swing as the “bonus ball” for which double points will be awarded.
  • The top twelve players who accumulated the most points from Round 1 will advance to Round 2.
    • The top four players who accumulated the most points from Round 2 will advance to Round 3.
    • The top two players who accumulated the most points from Round 3 will advance to the finals.
  • In the of a tie and players advancing to the next round can not be determined, each player involved in the tie will participate in a 5 swing "swing-off" which will take place and continue until the tie is broken.
  • The finalists will compete in the championship round under the same rules as the previous rounds, and with the tie breaker rule in effect if necessary.
  • One player will be deemed the Home Run Derby champion the other will be deemed the runner up. Each player will be awarded with their respective trophies and receive social media promotion to our our 40K followers on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
  • Each player who participates in this event will receive Trackman Data which precisely measures the location, trajectory and spin rate of hit baseballs.
  • This event will also be hosted by a Public Address Announcer and our full Digital Content Team who will capture all of the action as it unfolds!


    • 11/12U
    • OPEN
    7 Players Registered
    COST: $0.00

College Coaches Attending



Warwick Continental LL Complex

225 Crossings Blvd

Warwick rhode island ,USA

Get Directions
  • D’Abrosca Memorial Field
    • Lights
    • Grass
    • Permanent Bathrooms
    • Concession Stand
  • Founders Field
    • Grass
    • Permanent Bathrooms
    • Concession Stand



To Hold a Team Block: Click Here!

To Book Using your Team Block or to Book as an Individual, Not Within a Team Block: Click Here!

Our Hotel Policies


To insure the quality of service provided during a Firecracker Sports event this organization has put in a Hotel Obligation Policy.


Simply stated, if your team requires hotel accommodations (team traveling 75 miles or more to the event’s destination city) your team MUST stay at one of the approved participating tournament partner hotels. Teams are required to designate a representative to block off rooms for the entire team through our hotel portal or staff. These participating hotels are reviewable by clicking on the “hotel” links on the tournament event page or on the main page of Firecracker Sports. We do not have a full “stay to play” policy but we do require 75% of your team/coaches to stay with one of our partner hotels through our website. Reservations should be made ASAP as the hotels fill up quick.

We do have a waiver policy, if teams do NOT want to book through us, but want to participate in our events. Please see below.


We work very hard to keep our costs down and also balance the economic impact a tournament like ours can have towards the communities and programs we serve. The approved hotels on this website assist with both concerns and the following are the benefits to our programs:

  • We only require 75% of your team to stay with one of our hotels. This allows 25% of your team to use points for their stay at another hotel, use Air BNB or camp sites for their travel preferences.
  • To make it manageable we have room nights “blocked” for our out-of-town teams from our participating tournament partner hotels.
  • Because we do not use a Third Party Housing Group and we negotiate large blocks of rooms with the hotels directly, you’ll find a wide variety of best pricing and amenities from our hotels.
  • Care in selecting location and proximity to our playing field. See our “fields/facilities” tab to find out where your team most likely will be playing so you can lock down hotels near your fields.
  • All of our tournament hotels have been approved due to their quality and desire to give our guests the best event experience.
  • Room inventory which is shared with the tournament to ensure that room demands can be met from year to year.




There is no rules.


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